A downloadable game

The game concept is a dungeon crawler with a pixelated art style. In my game the world will be overrun with monsters such as zombies, skeletons and giant snakes. The player will have to travel through different dungeons fighting off these enemies in order to find the legendary Thunderbird. Each dungeon will be more difficult than the ones before. Players can open chests to collect loot such as weapons and armour. Loot is also rewarded after completing a dungeon. Unwanted loot can be dismantled for coins. The players will have to have good enough loot to progress through the dungeons in order to get to the end of the game. Once the player completes the game, they will unlock a new difficulty option.  Near the end of the game, the player will be given the ability to ride the Thunderbird. The final boss will be a giant horned serpent that the player must defeat by using the Thunderbird. 

Loot in this game will be sorted into 4 separate categories: melee weapons, ranged weapons, armour and artefacts. Melee weapons consist of close quarters weapons such as swords, axes, hammers, daggers and spears whereas ranged weapons consist of bows and crossbows. Players can only use 1 melee and 1 ranged weapon at a single time. In order to use ranged weapons, the player will need arrows. Arrows can be found in chests scattered around dungeons. Armour consists of armour which can be equipped by the player to increase the maximum amount of damage they can take. This means they can get hit by enemies more times before they die. Players can only equip one set of armour at a single time. Artefacts consist of special items that can help the player in many different ways. Some artefacts are potions that can increase a player's health or speed. Some artefacts are saddles which allow players to ride around on certain monsters or animals. Some artefacts are summons that can help the players in different ways. Players can only have 3 artefacts equipped at a single time. Once an artefact is used, there will be a cooldown before it is able to be used again. Loot can be bought with coins from a special NPC, found in chests throughout dungeons, and be given as a reward alongside coins after a dungeon is completed. Unwanted loot can be dismantled in the inventory menu for coins. 

The levels will be known as "dungeons". Players will receive random loot and a certain number of coins based off their performance after completing a dungeon. Each dungeon will be unique and harder than the last. After completing all the dungeons, the player will unlock "Nightmare Mode" which will allow them to replay all the dungeons on a harder difficulty.

Dungeon 1: Slimy Swamps

One of the dungeons will be a swamp that I am planning on calling Slimy Swamps. The main enemy for this dungeon will be slimes and there will be a giant slime boss at the end of the dungeon. When the player completes Slimy Swamps, they will unlock Fiendish Forest.

Dungeon 2: Fiendish Forest

One of the dungeons will be a forest that I am planning on calling Fiendish Forest. The main enemy for this dungeon will be zombies and there will be a giant zombie boss at the end of the dungeon.  When the player completes Fiendish Forest, they will unlock Spider Shafts.

Dungeon 3: Spider Shafts

One of the dungeons will be a mineshaft that I am planning on calling Spider Shafts. The main enemy for this dungeon will be spiders. The boss for this dungeon will be a giant spider that is based off of a creature from Native American mythology. When the player completes Spider Shafts, they will unlock Boney Bluffs.

Dungeon 4: Boney Bluffs

One of the dungeons will be a cliffside on a mountain that I am planning on calling Boney Bluffs. The main enemy for this dungeon will be skeletons and there will be a giant skeleton boss at the end of the dungeon. When the player completes Boney Bluffs, they will unlock Mountain Peaks.

Dungeon 5: Mountain Peaks

One of the dungeons will be the top of a mountain that I am planning on calling Mountain Peaks. This dungeon will have a range of enemies for the player to fight. The boss for this dungeon will be the thunderbird. Once this dungeon is completed, players will unlock The Underworld and receive a "Thunderbird Saddle" artefact that when equipped allows the player to fly around on the thunderbird and shoot lightning.

Dungeon 6: The Underworld

This is the final Dungeon, and I am planning on calling it The Underworld. This dungeon will have a range of enemies for the player to fight. The boss for this dungeon will be the horned serpent that the player must defeat with The Thunderbird. Once this dungeon is completed, the player will unlock "Nightmare Mode" and receive a "Serpent Saddle" artefact that when equipped allows the player to ride around on the horned serpent.